First AI & Equality Circle Community Ambassador Book Talk:
Gender Reboot: Reprogramming Gender Rights in the Age of AI, with Eleonore Fornier-Tombs
Ambassador Book Talks are conversations with authors of recently published books that wrestle with our themes of AI & Equality in all its forms.
Gender Reboot published this spring discusses the role of AI technologies in promoting gender-based discrimination, explores current technological developments and how they could be harnessed for gender equality and examines how gender dynamics have evolved in the spheres of work, self-image and safety, and education
It was written by the inestimable Eleonore Fournier-Tombs, Canadian and French computational social scientist, currently head of Anticipatory Action and Innovation at United Nations University.
Eleonore is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Ottawa, and regularly teaches in cybersecurity and technologies for development. During her career, she has worked as a data scientist throughout the United Nations system and conducted research at the intersection of technology and gender, migration, democracy and health.
For our first Ambassador Book Talk we will engage in lively conversation with Eleonore about why she wrote this book, how gender dynamics have evolved in the spheres of work, self-image and safety, how these are reflected in current challenges in AI development, and how we might harness current technological developments for gender equality and equality writ large. We’ll open the floor up to Q & A so come join us!
Last modified: May 28, 2024