Women at the Table

AI to Bridge Gender Gap

SDG Stage, Centre International de Conférences Genève, Rue de Varembé 17, 1202 Genève, Switzerland

Opening Remarks: Ms. Doreen Bogdan – Martin, ITU Secretary General.


  • Helene Molinier: Senior Advisor on Digital Cooperation and the Thematic Lead for the GEF Action Coalition on Innovation and Technology at UN Women.
  • Caitlin Kraft Buchman: CEO/Founder of Women at the Table, and Co-Founder of the <A+> Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms.
  • Laura Turkington: Heads the EY Global Corporate Responsibility Commercial and Innovation team, leading EY’s global social impact portfolio.
  • Aileen Black: A highly respected IT industry executive and general manager with a dynamic record of driving exponential growth results in public sector organizations.
  • Sharmista Appaya: Global Lead, AI and Data Innovation at the World Bank Group.
  • Mia Shah-Dand: a social entrepreneur, technologist, and educator who advises large organizations on the responsible adoption of new and emerging technologies.

Moderator: Ms. Sylvia Poll, Head, Digital Society Division, BDT, ITU.

The session will be livestreamed on the AI for Good Neural Network to over 25k users and recorded.

New and fast-moving technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the way we live, work,and learn, but they are also exacerbating existing inequalities and stereotypes embedded in the data behind algorithms.

While technology holds tremendous potential to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, bias in AI also risks widening the gender divide. One of the risks identified so far is the unfair treatment of subgroups, including based on gender. For AI to be governed inclusively, by and for the benefit of all, more women need to be included in the development, deployment, use, and governance of technology.

We need to ensure inclusive, equal access and use of ICTs for all. We need to envision an inclusive digital society where everyone, everywhere, benefits from the power of digital technologies, to enable social development and economic growth. This session wishes to bring together different gender-related initiatives to advance discussion on how AI can bridge gender gap.

Last modified: May 28, 2024