Caitlin Kraft-Buchman
Founder & CEO

Emma Kalina
AI & Equality Team Lead
PhD student at University of Cambridge (UK), supervised by Thomas Bohné, Stephen Cave, and Alan Blackwell. Student Fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence and a Research Fellow at the Responsible AI Institute.

Amina Soulimani
A+ Alliance Team Lead
PhD Candidate in Anthropology at the University of Cape Town (South Africa) investigating human-machine interactions in hospitals, and contextualized ethics of care. Doctoral Research Fellow at HUMA — Institute for Humanities in Africa.

Mitchel Ondili
AI & Equality + Africa Team Lead
BA in Environmental Science from Smith College & MA in International History & Politics from the Graduate Institute. Winner of the Student Leadership Award in 2021 for her work on Decolonizing the Curriculum.

Sofia Kypraiou
AI & Equality and Data Science lead
Data scientist & Programme Associate. She developed the < AI & Equality Toolbox > in collaboration with EPFL and the OHCHR in Geneva.

Pilar Grant
Strategic Design & LAC Team Lead
Graphic designer from Santiago, Chile. Currently working at the Chilean Economic Development Agency.

Oriana Kraft
Global Health Lead
Bsc Human Medicine,
ETH Zurich, Founder FemTechnology.org & FemTechGuide.
Co-Author AI & Gender Data Health Gap: Harnessing AI’s Transformative Power to Bridge the Gender Health Data Divide

Laura Fay
Programme Associate
Senior at Smith College with a double major in Government and Statistics & Data Science, with a concentration in Journalism.

William Eduarte
Consultant from Costa Rica. He runs his own film production company, Soma Films, producing short films, animation, sound and music design.

Kathlene Burke Skadden
Legal Team Lead
Formerly at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom (UK) LLP, Kat leads the pro bono legal team working with Women at the Table since 2019.

Mario Gomez
Web Consultant
Mario is our expert in everything web-related.

John Breckenridge
Head of Advisory Board
A+ Alliance Regional Hubs

Paola Ricarte
LAC Hub Leader
Co-founder of Tierra Común, Associate Professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey and Faculty Associat at Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University.

Nagla Rizk
MENA Hub Leader
Professor of Economics and Founding Director of the Access to Knowledge for Development Center (A2K4D) at the American University in Cairo’s School of Business. Her research area is the economics of knowledge, technology and development. Her work focuses on digital technologies and inclusion, data governance and AI, gender, gig work and inclusive growth in Egypt, the Middle East and Africa.

Nadine Weheba
Deputy MENA Hub
Associate Director for Research AT A2K4D), American University in Cairo, interested in making new technologies, such as AI, inclusive of women in the MENA region. She works on bringing feminist voices and perspectives to academic and policy debates on MENA’s digital economy, focusing on political economy, new technologies, innovation, and development.

Khadiga Hassan
Programme Associate
Researcher at (A2K4D, American University in Cairo. She works on policy oriented research on the the different intersections related to technology and inclusive development; digital economy, platform economy, the future of work, and issues of AI inclusion, with a focus on gender and youth in the context of Egypt and the MENA region.

Soraj Hongladarom
Asia Hub Leader
Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Center for Science, Technology, and Society at Chulalongkorn University. He focuses on applied ethics, philosophy of technology, and non-western perspectives on the ethics of science and technology.

Supavadee Aramvith
Asia Hub Leader
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Head, Multimedia Data Analytics and Processing Research Unit, Chulalongkorn University. She focuses on video signal processing, AI based video analytics, and multimedia communication technology.

Siraprapa Chavanayarn
Asia Hub Collaborator
Associate Professor of Philosophy and a Member of the Center for Science, Technology, and Society at Chulalongkorn University.
G-App Team

Satish Viswanathan
Head of Social Impact at Thoughtworks.

Janani Venugopalani
Data Scientist with a focus on data-driven solutions for complex problem spaces.

Chandan Sahu
Consultant Full Stack Developer

Ashutosh Krishna
Consultant Full Stack Developer

Swapnil Baladkar

Vivek Yadav