Some examples of our recent work:

Subject matter expertise and consultancy to partners of the digital ecosystem on the gender digital divide regarding trend technologies
– Including on the Data Economy and GovStack initiatives
Training on gender equality and intersectionality in international development cooperation for Digi-Cluster staff
– Including the Fast Track Human Rights Tour: Gender & Digital Universe
– Overseeing the Gender Innovation Challenge
– Delivering full day modules on Gender & Intersectionality

Gender Advisors for Artificial Intelligence for Development (AI4D) Initiative
- Design and implementation of project activities
- Mentorship and peer learning support to AI4D hubs
– notably Climate Change
– Gender Responsive AI Network - Oversee knowledge synthesis activities Knowledge synthesis
– Develop methodology
– Collect data and write up

Gender & Inclusive AI Research Innovation Challenge AI4D
Competitive funding to develop and contribute to foundational knowledge that strengthens the growing field of applied gender-responsive and inclusive AI research.
- Design concept & write up; Circulate Call, webinars and FAQs; Review & select applications, including matrix with scoring criteria; Knowledge synthesis & learning report; Work with grantees, including monitoring and reporting: Peer learning workshops preparation and delivery.
- Projects include:
– Strengthening the capacity of women and marginalised communities in Africa’s Agriculture and Food Systems to harness the potentials of AI technology
– Women Experience Privacy Differently: A Gender toolkit for Inclusive AI in Education
– Inclusive Interventions to Address Systemic Barriers and Promote Inclusion of Women in AI: Case of Tanzania
– Yebanbo – Supporting Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Through an Open Artificial Intelligence (AI) Toolbox
– Where are the African women in AI? A Venture Capital experiment
– The Essential Questions: Integrating Gender & Inclusion into Machine Learning PhD research

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Strengthening Research MLE & Ethics Practices using AI & LLMs
- Expert Group
- Gender Expert Module on Gender & Generative AI
- Gender & Intersectionality in Generative AI for grantees
– Asia / Africa
– Africa / LAC

Enabling the development of Inclusive Standards – Understanding the role of data and data analysis
(open to public consultation Jan 2022)
– Technical Authorship